PTCL had previously offered the same app for EVO customers only as a pilot. Service is now extended to all PTCL broadband customers.
With this Smart TV app for PCs and Laptops, that can be downloaded from PTCL’s website, customers can watch live streaming of 125 digital quality channels on their PCs or laptops.
PTCL has said that Video on Demand isn’t available with Smart TV PC Application, instead only live streaming is available with this app.
How to Avail Smart TV App for PCs:
Customers can subscribe to Smart TV app viewing by calling 0800-80800. Along with, they will have to download the app from PTCL’s website.Service Charges:
- Smart TV with App for broadband customers is free of charge for first two months (from April 1st, 2013 to May 31st, 2013)
- Monthly service charges of Rs. 250 per month will apply from June 1st, 2013
Related Information:
- All the existing and new PTCL customers can avail this facility.
- PTCL says that Smart TV PC Application can be used with PTCL broadband only
- Smart TV PC Application is comparable with Vista, Windows 7 and above OS
- Running Smart TV PC Application simultaneously on multiple Laptops/PCs will not work.
- Smart TV PC Application is offered free with Smart TV Jadoo Plus and Smart TV.
Service Tariff
To give our customers a real taste of service, PTCL has decided to offer this service with FREE subscription starting from April 01, 2013 to May 31, 2013.Subscription charges of Rs250 per month would start after May 31st 2013.
DOWNLOAD Modem Setting for PC Application
Q1. Who can avail Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: All the existing and new PTCL customers can avail this facility.
Q2 . How can I get Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: Dial 0800-80-800 from you PTCL Phone OR visits your nearest OSS to avail the service.
Q3. Is it must to have PTCL Broadband for Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: Yes PTCL Broadband is required for Smart TV PC Application.
Q4 . Does Smart TV PC application required any User name & password?
Ans: No. After subscription, downloading the application and slight modem settings you can start enjoying the application.
Q5. On which Operating system Smart TV PC application can be installed?
Ans: It can be installed on Vista, window 7 and above Operating systems.
Q6. Is there a monthly subscription fee for using Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: Yes, subscription fee of Smart TV PC Application is PKR 250 per month.
Q7. Is there any device or device charges for Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: No, There is no device for Smart TV PC Application nor device charges. It runs on PC/Laptop using the existing broadband connection.
Q8. Can a customer use this application on multiple Laptops/PCs?
Ans: Running this application simultaneously on multiple Laptops/PCs will not work.
Q9 . From where I can download this service?
Ans: Application can be downloaded from Facebook PTCL page.
Q10 . I am unable to locate the exact location of Smart TV PC Application on PTCL web site.
Ans: Go to mentioned link then “Home and personal” and finally in Smart TV section.
Q11 . Can I watch VOD’s in Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: No, VODs are not available in Smart TV PC Application. Smart TV Application only provide live channel stream.
Q12 . Do we have TSTV/ rewind feature with Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: No, TSTV feature is not available with Smart TV PC Application
Q13 .How many live channels are available in Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: Un-interruptive Live channels- 125.
Q14. I am unable to access the service or need assistance?
Ans: Call 1218 helpline and register a complaint.
Q15. What quality should I expect from Smart TV PC Application?
Ans: All channels are of digital quality.
Q16. What if, customer wants to avail Smart TV PC Application with Smart TV Jadoo Plus or Smart TV, are there any extra charges?
Ans: Smart TV PC Application would be absolutely free with Smart TV Jadoo Plus and Smart TV.
Q17. Can we use Smart TV and Smart TV PC Application simultaneously?
Ans: No, Simultaneously it will not work. The user experience is not good using both services simultaneously.
Q18. Can we switch from Smart TV PC Application to Smart TV or Smart TV Jadoo Plus?
Ans: Yes Customers can switch from Smart TV PC Application service to either Smart TV or Smart TV Jadoo Plus. It involves un-subscription of Smart TV Application and new subscription of new services.
Good for PTCL users