So if you are too planning to sell some place on your blog with these 125x125 ad spots, then follow these simple instructions:
Although many bloggers place and control these ad-spots through CSS but I am using simple HTML tables, so as to keep the process simple and so that you can easily customize it later.
Log in to Blogger, go to "Layout", and click on "Add a Gadget" -> select it as "HTML/JavaScript".
Paste this code into the HTML box:
<center><table border="0"><tr>The code in blue represents "no. of columns" (2 blue lines=2 columns) and code in purple represents "no. of rows" (2 purple lines=2 rows).
<th width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></th>
<th width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></th>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></td>
<td width="126" height="126" align="center"><img src=""/></td>
Save the widget.
As soon as an advertiser approaches you, replace the links in RED in the code above with the new ads.
TIP: Instead of showing all 4 banners as "Advertise Here", it is better to use 2 or 3 of them to show any affiliate ads and keep the last one as "Advertise Here" banner.
You may use any of these "Advertise Here" banners:
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